Getting a job offer is definitely a cause for celebration, and if you received yours in a letter, you have the luxury of congratulating yourself out loud and doing a happy dance in the privacy of your own home. You also have the benefit of some breathing room to consider the offer, unli...
Negotiating a job offer may seem challenging, especially if you haven’t done it before. Here are a few steps you may want to take to negotiate with confidence.
When you ask for time to think about a job offer, it’s essential to be reasonable. Most employers will happily give you two to three days to consider a job offer. However, if you need more time than this, you can request a week at the very most. Of course, you won’t want to ...
Knowing how to negotiate a better job offer—even asking for more money—could be worthwhile. A 2022 Fidelity survey found that 85% of Americans who countered on salary, other compensation or benefits, or both, received at least some of what they negotiated for.1 But negotiating can be ...
Learning the right way to “make the ask” with a potential employer may help you get the job offer you want.
Writing a letter to ask for a job offer is an assertive move. Job candidates usually wait for the employer to issue the offer. However, circumstances may make asking for a job offer a sound strategy. For example, the hiring manager generally may have discussed job title, responsibilities, sa...
How to Ask for a Raise More If you know how to prepare to ask for a raise – and know specifically what to say and avoid saying during this conversation – you can potentially boost your income to make the salary you deserve. The following key steps will show you exactly what to do ...
3. Ask for time to consider the offer Asking for more money can be a nerve-wracking experience. So it can be helpful to have time to prepare yourself to make a confident and strong counteroffer. When you follow up on the initial offer, make it clear you are excited about the opportunit...
There are many factors to consider when assessing an opportunity. Read our article, 8 Criteria for Evaluating a Job Offer, to find out more. If there are aspects of the offer that you're unhappy about after you've weighed up the pros and cons, rank them in order of importance. This ...
New grads often think they don't have any leverage to negotiate their first job offer, but that's not true. "You have more leverage than you think," said Carter, who is also the author of "Ask for More: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything." "You start by focusing on your strengths....