HOW TO ASK FOR A RAISE! (7 CRUCIAL TIPS for Getting a Pay Rise at Work!) Asking for a pay raise is a difficult thing to do. You might be nervous. You might be fearful of getting rejected, or you may simply not know what to say! However, fear not, because we are here...
(Be sure not to hold yourself back by refusing extra responsibility while you wait for a raise that might never come!) Ask for a performance-based bonus or pay raise. By setting the bar higher you, again, increase your objective value to the company. Being compensated for doing so is a...
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The article offers advice on how to ask for an increase in pay. It suggests the preparation of a job specification focusing on past and current duties and the last pay raise received. It also talks about the need to present a comparison of local salary information at other practices during ...
Think about timing.In terms of how to ask for a pay raise, timing is everything. Is your company financially strong or is it struggling to make ends meet? The best time to ask for a raise is when your company is financially strong, out performing the budget, your performance is stellar...
How we lost our collective ability to focus Signs you might be a personality hire The rise and rise of the celebrity politician The rise of 'lazy girl jobs' explained Victoria Beckham's work ethic shouldn't be copied The 20 best companies to work for ...
If you want a real raise — a raise you deserve — you need to ask for it. It probably won't fall in your lap. But with the right timing and preparation, you'll feel less fear and more confidence in making your request, and you'll have nothing to lose by asking. Just remember:...
One of the more common comments that I hear from women is that they don’t need to ask for a pay raise. Why? Because their boss knows they want one, and when the time is right they will get that raise. The last I checked, most bosses aren’t mind readers. If women want a raise...
In a perfect world, you wouldn't need to ask for a raise, as your boss would notice your hard work and do it unprompted. But that rarely ever happens. So make sure to take the initiative and convey your intentions in a clear and professional way. You can say something like this: "T...
由标题“How to Ask for a Raise (如何要求加薪)”,上文“Picture this: Your heart is racing and you’re starting to sweat a little as you walk into your boss’s office to ask for a bigger paycheck. Don’t worry. (想象一下:当你走进老板的办公室要求加薪时,你的心跳加速,开始有点出汗。别...