To identify your pet phrases, look back through your Sent mail and see what keeps appearing. When you’re writing your next email, ask yourself, “Do I really need to say this?” 2. Cut out general wordiness You can save a lot of time typing over the course of a week if you ...
Email is one of the best ways to communicate with customers—it's important to get it right. Here's how to send a professional email response.
You may be a pizza lover, but unless you’re a chef or taking part in a culinary workshop, talking about what pizza toppings you like will feel quite random. Be mindful of the context. Take a step back and ask yourself what you want to be known for. 2. Go Beyond Your Professional ...
Careless mistakes like typos can often be the most frustrating, because they’re so easy to avoid. If it’s too late to, for example,recall your Outlook emailor correct your mistake, show the person in question that you’reprofessional and conscientiousby sending them an apology email. Howeve...
Ever stared at your inbox, wondering how to respond to an email professionally? You're not alone. In today's fast-paced digital world, knowing how to reply to emails effectively is a skill—whether you're dealing with customers, colleagues, or potential employers. Wouldn't it have been nic...
Before clicking “Reply All,” ask yourself: Does everyone on this email need to see my response? Will my reply add value to the group conversation? If the answer isn’t a clearyes, reply only to the sender. And if you’re managing a large thread, use“Bcc”for big groups to avoi...
Examples of how to ask for payment: templates Here are some professional email templates and SMS templates for collecting customer payments. Invoice email templates: Sample subject lines If the payment is not overdue and this is the first email you’re sending, here are some appropriate subject ...
Use a topical hook or content indicator “Products to manage this heatwave.” Ask intriguing questions. “Are you ready for the sales peak that’s coming?” Show the value of the email. “Help to get ready for Christmas.” The key is always concise, positive, and meaningful words. 8. ...
10 Questions to Ask Yourself When preparing aself-introduction speechfor an interview, ask yourself these questions: Why do I find this particular position attractive? What are the qualities in me that make me a good student/employee? What are my strengths and achievements?
Do it byphone.It’s the best way to decline a job offer. Can’t do phone? Send an email. Declining a job offer won’t burn a bridge. Thank them for offering. Give a nonspecific reason. Ask to stay in touch after you decline the job. ...