I also deeply understand why many, many souls will not choose to Ascend as they are too lost in their wounded distortions and rigidly held judgments and limitations. I’ve observed and witnessed many, many humans mostly men that have said the words “I’d rather die than see a woman lea...
Partners:It’s difficult to climb alone. Bouldering gyms allow you to climb solo, but even outdoor bouldering often requires spotters. Some rope gyms have auto-belay systems set up, and there are complex self-belay systems you can use on rock. But it’s safe to say that climbing is a ...
That’s–if the universe is–it just operates kind of mechanically according to karma, people could descend spiritually as easily as they ascend, so what gives you faith that that people are going to ascend? That’s not something that falls right out of the concepts involved, and so you ...
Some of the mentally ill functioning under the influence of the du-yin can even develop supernormal abilities which we do not normally possess; however, this does not mean that they are more spiritually advanced than we are, for their minds are not calm or clear, nor do they have control...
It is actually possible that most people who are spiritually sensitive and open to impressions and messages are indebted to spirit friends and helpers for help, guidance, and advice, whether they are aware of it or not. There is undoubtedly a greater degree of communication from the spirit ...
TRICKED BY THE LIGHT: game, life, matrix, illusion, dream, recycled, reincarnation, illuminati, NDE, tunnel, trap
What is your capacity physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually? What is your capacity at 10am? At 3pm? Or at 7pm? To be well in times of change, we have to realize and accept that our capacity can fluctuate greatly day-to-day and hour-by-hour. To be well we also have...
The gospel of Jesus Christ encompasses much more than avoiding, overcoming, and being cleansed from sin and the bad influences in our lives; it also essentially entails doing good, being good, and becoming better. Repenting of our sins and seeking forgiveness are spiritually necessary, and we mu...
Because Shabbos is the primary source of our holiness, we must prepare ourselves both physically and spiritually to receive that holiness each week. A very important way to prepare your self spiritually is to study the weekly parshah. Even though we hear the entire parshah read in the synagogue...
Most importantly, we will not pray amiss if we listen to President Nelson’s plea to “choose to do the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear the voice of the spirit more frequently and more clearly.” I’ve rarely been more spiritually motivated than I wa...