We have kept different currencies and their corresponding conversion rates from USD to other currencies in the range B18:C25. Steps: Select cell D6. Insert the following formula: =IF(C6="USD",C$28,IF(C6="EUR",C$18,IF(C6="GBP",C$19, IF(C6="INR",C$23,IF(C6="CAD",C$21,IF...
You wanted to get all the address information in different columns. To do so, I have developed another assistive VBA user-defined function and improved the existing user-defined function namedReverseGeocoder. Using these two functions, you can quickly fulfil your goal. Follow these steps: Press A...
If you intend to surface model a lot, you may wonder why not turn to a different CAD program that is specialized for surface modeling. Think about it this way, if you went to cook dinner in your kitchen and could only use ONE knife, which would you choose? Would you choose a small...
View an example of how to load assemblies into the reflection-only context in .NET. Examine assemblies compiled for other platforms or .NET versions.
View an example of how to load assemblies into the reflection-only context in .NET. Examine assemblies compiled for other platforms or .NET versions.
From general CAD tools to proprietary jewelry design software, there are now dozens of viable alternatives, each with its own pros and cons, modeling approaches, and niche uses. Let’s take a look at the offerings so that you can make the right choice in selecting a virtual jewelry design ...
And to create an array in shape (a cell)&":"&(formula) looks different to use because when we give an array it is in shape that (a cell)&":"&(another cell), but in your solutions formula doesn't give a cell. it give a result (or results for office 365 solutions). i saw it...
Hi guys, I've tried with the following formula to make a blank array but in vain =LET(x,MAKEARRAY(2,2,LAMBDA(r,c,"")),ISBLANK(x)) So what should I return in the LAMBDA to make the x a blank... Below is an example of a data transformation using blank values within a pivoted...
I have no idea what this error may be due to. The simulation is 3D unsteady compressible flow and I am using overset mesh to model the movement of some parts of the geometry. The error always appears at the same point of the simulation (after 520 iterations), but nothing stra...
DataTable to array c# DataTable to Memory Stream in C# DataTable values sort min and max date fields dataType' argument cannot be null. Parameter name: dataType Date Filed validation to restrict the future date with RangeValidator Date Format for TextMode Date date format issue in datarow. ...