Recovery capital is the internal and external resource used to begin the recovery process and maintain sobriety. This combines personal, social, and community support to provide a joined-up approach that supports the addict through recovery. For more information click ‘Learn More’ below. Learn ...
The older the grape, the sweeter the sugars, so winemakers try to wait as long as possible before harvesting. Also, the quality of wine you make depends on the quality of your grapes and the soil used to grow them. What I’m trying to say is, the raw ingredient of grapes is what m...
Related Topic:Am I an Alcoholic? What to Ask Alcohol Abuse Statistics Scientists and researchers have been trackingstatistics about alcohol consumptionand rates of alcohol-related deaths for decades. This research effort is so substantial that the U.S. government created the National Institute on Alco...
【How can we convince an alcoholic his life is not meaningful?】"Well sadly most forms of skepticism cannot be proven out of. So why would this be different. Additionally, there may be other ways to try to convince the skeptic: by showing him he is resting his case on a shaky or very...
How to love an alcoholic (while you help fight the disease).Reports that there are over 18 million alcoholics in the United States. Use of alcohol to relieve tension; Alcoholics who never seek treatment; Guidelines for an intervention.Shoss...
To deal with an alcoholic parent: Establish clear boundaries about when the alcoholic’s presence will be tolerated, Avoid arguments with the drinker and take...
For adults, in addition to avoiding drinks with a lot of sugar, steer clear of alcoholic drinks when you're focused on hydration. That's because these actually dehydrate you. Some caffeinated drinks, including coffee and tea, can count toward your fluid intake. They may make you urinate mo...
Approach that with kindness and compassion—but don’t take it personally, she says. “It's become almost the main character in social situations.”At the same time *you* might be the one projecting. “We fill in the gaps in our head with what we think other people are thinking or ...
How Do I Approach My Alcoholic Parent About Their Problem? You cannot force someone to change. You cannot make them quit drinking or even drink less. You cannot make them go to rehab. You can’t even make them see that they have a problem. The best thing you can do is to bring to...
“Are you refusing to buy me vodka or wine?” Am I calling her an alcoholic? Yes I have but in a half serious way. She’s very insecure and has what I say are dementia related episodes. The delusional thinking she has it downright crazy. I don’t agree with her about her de...