例如,如果您下載並使用了 Visual Studio 2010 Premium 10 天,然後再註冊,就可以繼續使用 80 天。 若要在 90 天後繼續使用本產品,您必須提供有效的產品金鑰。 如需如何找到產品金鑰的詳細資訊,請參閱HOW TO:找出 Visual Studio 產品金鑰。 升級之前,我們建議您先檢閱 Microsoft 下載中心網站所提供的Visual Studio...
HOW TO:註冊 Visual Studio 發行項 2008/08/21 更新:2007 年 11 月 如果您在安裝結束時選擇不註冊產品,可以使用其他方法註冊產品。 展開資料表 注意事項: 註冊時必須有 Microsoft Passport 和產品識別碼 (PID)。PID 位於 [說明] 功能表的 [關於] 對話方塊中。 若要註冊產品 從[說明] 功能表選擇 [註冊...
如需Visual Studio 產品金鑰及其取得方式的詳細資訊,請參閱在Visual Studio 訂用帳戶中使用產品金鑰頁面。更新過時的授權您可能會在 Visual Studio 中看到訊息,指出「您的授權已過時,必須更新」。這個訊息表示,雖然您的訂用帳戶可能仍然有效,但是尚未重新整理 Visual Studio 用來保持最新訂用帳戶的授權權杖。 Visual S...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱HOW TO:安裝 Visual Studio Tools for Office 以開發 2007 Microsoft Office System。 在使用者的電腦上執行 VSTOR30.exe。 VSTOR30.exe 位於 Visual Studio Tools for Office 安裝媒體上,也可做為可轉散發套件從 Microsoft 下載中心網頁Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office...
Visual Studio 64-bit Components How to: Install the Visual Studio 2008 Image Library Maintaining and Removing Visual Studio Maintaining and Removing Visual Studio How to: Uninstall Visual Studio How to: Register Visual Studio How to: Repair Visual Studio How to: Find Product UpdatesLearn...
If you need to run asroot, the command from the Terminal is: code "/home/<your default username>/<optional projects directory>" --user-data-dir="." --no-sandbox Output: However, if you have no reason to userootoversudo, I strongly recommend you log out asroot, and run VS Code as...
regarding adding ui in installer. I am using the visual studio plugin for wix v4 (HeatWave for VS2022 FireGiant). There is no apparent method of help document to do so, previous ones were made for wix v3 and I am not sure how add the ui sdks with the v4 project in visual...
use Visual Studio Premium for 10 days and then register it, you can use it for an additional 80 days. To continue to use the product after 90 days, you must provide a valid product key. For information about how to locate the product key, seeHow to: Locate the Visual Studio Product ...
Visual Web Developer Run the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup and choose to install the Visual Studio Tools. These tools include the following components: Visual Studio add-in Project templates Toolbox components Note When the Visual Studio Tools are installed, the Visual Studio environment is automatically...
I have used previous editions of Visual Studio to create .exe files. When I Build a release version, I was able to find the .exe file in the Bin/Release folder. In VS 2019 when I build a release version, all I see in the Rele...