Holding the rosin correctly can lengthen the lifespan of your rosin. Rotate the rosin from to avoid making a groove. Covering the frog ferrule with a finger will help keep from chipping the rosin and prolong its life. Using too much rosin is both wastefu
However, like everything else associated with playing a violin, viola, cello or bass – rosining the bow requires some know-how and finesse. The type of rosin, the amount you apply (or not) and the frequency with which you apply it, all affect bowing and sound. Over time, you’ll de...
Rosin, the ubiquitous accessory for any stringed-instrument player is actually a bit of a mystery to most musicians. Few know how it’s made, how it works, and which types or grades are best for their instruments. Standing in front of the accessory counter at your local violin shop and ...
I hope that you find it helpful, especially if you find yourself needing to change your violin strings at home for the first time, without help from a teacher or music store. I've been doing this for 40 years, and at the beginning, I had a violin with extremely difficult pegs (four ...
How to Play Brahms' Lullaby - Part 1 March 4th, 2015 Everything About Rosin February 4th, 2015 How to play Monti's Czardas January 7th, 2015 A simple and easy approach to violin pizzicato December 3rd, 2014 A Simple Approach to Violin Shifting November 5th, 2014 More Videos by Lora......
Keep the bow at a little bit of tension while the hair is drying. Do not allow water to wick into the wedge After about an hour adjust the tension again on the stick because as the hair dries, it gets a little shorter After the hair is dry, apply powdered rosin to violin, viola, ...
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that was shown by the company that makes Dominant strings in the lecture they gave at Metzler's Violin Shop in Glendale, just after NAMM. So to the previous poster, the cuticles do not all face the same direction, it seems; they certainly aren't randomized, or perhaps the rosin at the...