TW - Taiwan TJ - Tajikistan TZ - Tanzania TH - Thailand TL - Timor-Leste TG - Togo TK - Tokelau TO - Tonga TT - Trinidad and Tobago TN - Tunisia TR - Turkey TM - Turkmenistan TC - Turks and Caicos Islands TV - Tuvalu UG - Uganda ...
"Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation" rights is disabled for Administrator account despite delegation option in the "AD Computer Properties" being "Trust this computer for delegation to any service (Kerberos only)" "Error issuing replication: 8453 (0x2105)" when doing a...
Taiga is an open-source project management system that helps you to manage both simple and complex projects for startups. It is a simple, powerful, and customizable application specially designed for Agile developers and designers to manage the development of the project. Taiga’s backend is writ...
# if everything went well, apply terraform apply "out.plan" Run it. If everything went well, you should get the following (or similar) output at the end: Outputs: DockerUrl = In order to prepare ourselves for the automated deployment again, copy-paste ...
EDIT objects do not describe a new object, instead they describe a patch to apply on an already existing object. EDIT objects should have the powers that the currentcreature variations(though they shouldn't replace them) have, they should be able to add, remove, and convert tokens. This can...
s: a list of service types to which this selector may apply; q: a list of query methods; l: body length limits; k: a list of mechanisms that can be used to decode a DKIM signature; t: a list of flags to modify interpretation of the selector; ...
While I want this guide to be as generic as possible, there will be some things that may not apply to all/other use-cases. Use your best judgement when going through this guide.To help put context to many of the topics covered in this guide, my use-case/configuration is:...
the director of the documentary,got the idea when talking to her sisters Poppy and Amy about a project they had started several years before in Kinston,Canada.The two teenagers had a clear goal:they wanted to help elderly people to feel more connected to other peopl...
The life-cycle model sizes the aircraft based on the flight distance and year of construction (which conditions improvement factors to apply). Details are given in Aircraft. The approach used to calculate in-flight emissions is described in Surface and flight emissions. The approach used to calcul...
With the /newbot command we begin the registration of a new bot. We need to come up with two names. The first one is a name of a bot that can be set in your native language. The second one is a username of a bot in Latin that ends with a “bot” prefix. As a result, we ...