Why can’t you apply for both Oxford and Cambridge?# It comes down to numbers: both universities get a huge amount of students applying for places. If applicants were allowed to apply to both, it would potentially double the amount of applications each university would have to work through....
1 -- 1:16 App PanelCafe 1 -- 0:10 App VCC's Strategic Innovation Plan – Short version 1 -- 4:32 App Cambridge Imagines: Counting seals from space 20.7万 130 2:26 App 作文开头“骚话公式”!优雅,太优雅了!内打开 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
You'd like to study at the University of Cambridge. How do you apply? A. You choose a course and apply to a college B. You apply to a college and send a persaonal statement C. You have to take a test somtimes. D. All of the above. ...
Consistently, the top two universities in the UK are The University of Oxford and The University of Cambridge who, year by year, jostle for the top place on UK rankings list. However, the UK contains many top-scoring universities. To find out more, click here. ...
Making an application to Cambridge is exciting – your entire future is about to unfold in front of you, but how do you decide which college you would like to apply for? Your university experience will be a good one no matter which college you choose, bu
15 October: Application deadline for Oxford, Cambridge and most courses in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science 15 January: Application deadline for most of the undergraduate courses Check out the universities’ websites to know about the application deadlines for your preferred programs. Also,...
Are you interested in studying business in one of the best UK universities? Read this guide to explore your options and learn how to apply.
October 15: any course at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, or for most courses in medicine, veterinary medicine, and science and dentistry January 15: applications for the majority of undergraduate courses June 30: the last dayto apply!
October 15: any course at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, or for most courses in medicine, veterinary medicine, and science and dentistry January 15: applications for the majority of undergraduate courses June 30: the last dayto apply!
C1 Advanced (previously - Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)) C2 Proficiency (previously - Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE)) University of Auckland Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes (FCertEAP) University of Auckland English Pathway for Undergraduate Studies (EPUS) ...