Perform the water testfor sealing travertine to determine if a sealer is needed. Apply only if testing shows it is needed. All sealers arenotcreated equal. Don't waste your time or money on ineffective sealers that won't last. I've used most common sealers (StoneTech, Miracle 511, SCI,...
How a Sealer Works – The sealing products you see used in the stone mason industry are actually impregnators, not sealers. They act more as a repellent. So don’t think a sealer will prevent all stain and damage to your marble. However, an impregnating sealer is often recommended, as...
How a Sealer Works – The sealing products you see used in the stone mason industry are actually impregnators, not sealers. They act more as a repellent. So don’t think a sealer will prevent all stain and damage to your marble. However, an impregnating sealer is often recommended, as...