if you are currently receiving financial aid to go to college, that financial aid will still go toward your study abroad program. You could also take out a student loan oraccumulate some scholarship money. If you can’t afford to study abroad for a full year, a ...
If you want to apply for a degree abroad, Studyportals can help. Our websites—Bachelorsportal, Mastersportal, and PhDportal—have an awesome feature that lets you quickly compare your favourite study programmes. You only need to create an account, select your favourite programmes, and you...
I had studied French in college, and my university offered a year abroad in France. My scholarship would apply; credit for courses was assured; advisers were available on campus to discuss passports, visas, shots, international student IDs and driver’s licenses. A charter flight had been book...
Yes, we said be kiasu and apply for all scholarships available, but it also means making sure that you are eligible for it. There’s little point in applying for a scholarship for which you don’t qualify. That said, if you’re unsure if you’re eligible, do take the trouble to cont...
it’s important to set both your dream goalsandyour realistic goals. Just as you would when applying for universities in your home country, you shouldn’t just apply to only one university abroad. Apply for your dream schools, but don’t forget to apply to a few backup schools as well!
Here are some sources of scholarships and grants that can lower the costs for U.S. college students to study abroad.
Hoping to earn your degree at a US college or university? Find out everything you need to know about admission in USA university and how international students can apply to US universities with this comprehensive guide.
How to apply for the Chevening Scholarship Know more about the eligibility criteria and the chronology followed by the Chevening Scholarship committee. Check here! Five affordable universities in England Find out which top 5 universities in England offer the most affordable undergraduate programs and ...
Making mistakes in a standard essay is bad, but you’re fighting so hard in a study abroad scholarship essay that if you aren’t vigilant about the small things, those judging your work will be eager to cut you out to save themselves the trouble. Proofreading is a complex pro...
University College London (UCL) University of Leeds How to apply for an M.Eng. degree in the rest of the world In order to apply to a Master of Engineering abroad (UK excepted), you’ll have to match a few very important admissions criteria. ...