035.blender技巧篇扩展中文版035 - 三角面转换成四边面快捷方式Convert Tris To Quads With One Shortcut 01:05 034.blender技巧篇扩展中文版034 - 超级容易免费3D扫描摄影测量工作流程与网格室Super Easy Free 3D Scanning Photo 02:35 033.blender技巧篇扩展中文版033-3种不同的填充方式3 Different Ways To...
035.blender技巧篇扩展中文版035 - 三角面转换成四边面快捷方式Convert Tris To Quads With One Shortcut 01:05 034.blender技巧篇扩展中文版034 - 超级容易免费3D扫描摄影测量工作流程与网格室Super Easy Free 3D Scanning Photo 02:35 033.blender技巧篇扩展中文版033-3种不同的填充方式3 Different Ways To ...
In this tutorial, we’ll be modeling a low-poly version of our Astrodog, but the process outlined here is applicable to any creature or character you would like to create. Let’s get started! Set up Quick Keys and shortcuts for Blender on your iPad Before we get into modeling, we wil...
Select the parts of the unwrapped object you want to edit. To scale it, pressSand move your mouse accordingly. This will not change the size of the model but will give you control over how much of the image is shown on your object. This is when having a preview render open will b...
Step 4. Choose a scale option to enhance your video resolution by 2X, 3X, or 4X, or use the output resolution presets (1080p/2K/4K) directly to specify the output video size you want. Step 5. (Optional) you can cut the video to enhance only a specific segment. Moreover, you can ...
Open Blender, delete the default cube and set your first glass reference image as your background image (N key background image add image). Dont forget to change view mode from Perspective to Orthographic (shortcut key 5). 首先搜索,搜索玻璃参考图像。打开 Blender, 删除默认的立方体,并设置你的...
Now the first way through which you can resize any component is to scale them, and for this, we will use the Scale tool, but the scale can give you dimensions in ratio. So take the Scale tool from the tool panel after selecting this object. I have not grouped or made this object a...
Open Blender, delete the default cube and set your first glass reference image as your background image (N key>background image>add image). Don't forget to change view mode from Perspective to Orthographic (shortcut key5).首先搜索,搜索玻璃参考图像。打开Blender,删除默认的立方体,并设置你的玻璃...
(luckily, the BIOS tends to have a short descriptor for each option). Additionally, overclocking in Windows allows you to make changes in real-time. In contrast, changing the values in the BIOS requires a system reboot before you see the impact. Overclocking your CPU in the BIOS does have...
In Object mode, duplicate the first glass (Shift + D) and call it "flute". Press the backslash (/) key (Blender shows only the selected mesh), add a flute image to the background and, in Edit mode, scale the mesh until it has the right proportions. Press the backslash (/) key ...