Today we’re going to be giving our shelf a “mini makeover” using the rule of thirds. This is a really easy principle to apply to shelf styling. Think of your shelf and the blank space above it as a picture plane, and visualize dividing it into a grid (you might have to decide ...
4.Apply When you’re ready to crop the image, click the Apply button on the Tool Options palette or on the floating toolbar for the Crop tool. PaintShop Pro does more than just the rule of thirds Check out some of the other photo editing features in Paintshop Pro, likephoto sizes,use...
Here’s a great way to visualize how to use the rule of thirds. If you love to take photos orpost on Instagram, listen up! Photography can definitely benefit from the rule of thirds, whether it’s a landscape, portrait, architecture, or action image. A strong image is about composition,...
That’s where the Rule of Three comes in handy. It’s a neat little writing principle that’s easy to apply once you get the hang of it. Don’t worry, if this is as mysterious as a cat to you, you’ve come to the right place. I’ll explain the Rule of Three (or the Rule ...
The great camera on the iPhone means you can easily take good pictures, but by turning on the camera grid you can use the rule of thirds to takegreatpictures every time! A quick summary of the rule of thirds: The guideline proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine...
The iPhone has often been called the "best camera" because it's the one most of us have with us most of the time. But it takes more than just a great camera or lens to produce great photography. One o
So, let’s get to it and find out why this is so and how we can apply it. It’s all to do with patterns… At the root of its success is we, as humans, have been programmed to learn from patterns and 3 is the smallest pattern that can be made. ...
First-hand advice on using the rule of thirds. Repetitious, practical use of the rule of thirds is the best way to understand it and hone your skills — at some point, the grid lines and their intersecting points will be ingrained in your brain. Until then, here are some photography tips...
Looking to get more done in less time? Understanding how the foreground relates to multitasking can be an effective way of increasing productivity. Find out more on our blog!
Enable the grid on your digital camera to apply the rule of thirds easily. Remember different situations may require breaking the rule of thirds for better photos. The rule of thirds is the first rule of photography every beginner will end up using the most. In a nutshell, it's a method...