Step 1: Apply for Online Registration To start your CMAT application process, your first register yourself online. Follow these steps to apply for your online registration. Visit CMAT official website: On this page, click on the ‘Click Here to Register/Logi...
Q: Which OBC certificate has to be uploaded in the JEE Main Session 2 Application Form 2025? A: The candidate has to provide a central OBC certificate issued by the Government of India while filling out the application form. If a candidate fails to upload the OBC-NCL certificate while filli...
If any OBC-NCL candidate fails to produce the OBC-NCL certificate (issued on or after April 01, 2024) for the online JEE Advance registration, he/she can upload a declaration (Declaration instead of OBC-NCL Certificate) to that effect. Candidates can refer to for the up-to-...
Click on “Click Here to Apply” button. Candidates will have toregisterusing a valid Email-ID. Create apasswordof 8 to 16 characters with at least one capital letter, special character and numeric digit. At last, candidates will have to enter their first and last name and submit it. Ave...
In case of non-availability, a Declaration in Lieu of GEN-EWS Certificate/OBC-NCL certificate is required. For SC/ST category, the latest Caste (for SC) or tribe (for ST) certificate following the Government of India's guidelines (Refer to the official JEE Advanced 2024 information brochure...
The candidate must apply separately and complete additional forms if they wish to be considered for more than one course. Note: Remember that the application cost is not transferable. DU PG 2024 Registration Fee Category Registration Fee (Rs) UR / OBC-NCL / EWS 250 SC/ ST/ PwD 100 DU PG...
IIMC Application Form 2024 - The Indian Institute of Mass Communication has started the IIMC registration 2024 on January 5. Check release date, registration process and how to register online.
The 12-digit digital ID is integrated with DigiLocker and the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC), and All individuals aged five and above enrolled in recognized educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and madrasas, are eligible to apply. ...
During the registration process for IIT JAM 2025 examination, my apllication was flagged as "under defect" due to a disallowed OBC-NCL certificate. I have recieved a provisional admit card. Will this "provisional" status prevent me from appearing for the examination?Can i proceed with the exam...
Clients can use the remote proxy with Secure Shell tunneling, also known as a "poor man's VPN" (Note AllowTcpForwarding yes must be enabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server to use these features, followed by sudo service ssh restart). $ ssh -NCL 5555: duh In an...