(In the case of configuration families, the definitions in this file apply to the entire build, and not any specific sub-configuration, but for consistency we support them for all configuration targets, whether they be singleton sub-configurations or configuration families.) make_defs.mk. This ...
3a, the prepurchase stage has a much broader range in terms of item importance (mean values), what can at least partly be traced back to the greater number of items. Comparing the median values of the stages of the repair service process—which is reasonable due to the varying number of...
delete, and find people in the database. You’ll useGitto push the code toGitHub. Then you’ll use Semaphore to test the application, build a Docker image, and deploy it to aDigitalOcean Kubernetescluster. For the database, you’l...
In this tutorial, you’ll build an address book API service withNode.js. The API exposes a simpleRESTful APIinterface to create, delete, and find people in the database. You’ll useGitto push the code toGitHub. Then you’ll use Semaphore to test the application, build a Docker image, ...
Breathing Like This Can Alter Your Consciousness Quantum Sensors Could Make U.S. Subs Obsolete China Says It Has the Tech to Spy on American Subs China Claims It Has a Converged Energy Beam Weapon Scars in Our Universe Could Unlock Time Travel...
I added set of guidelines and examples has also been produced to help you administer of the NGINX. They give us insight into NGINX internals also. Mostly, I apply the rules presented here on the NGINX working as a reverse proxy. However, does not to prevent them being implemented for NGINX...
However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no review of the effectiveness of downstream food-waste interventions.4 Four intervention studies were reviewed by WRAP (see Appendix F of WRAP, 2014a). These were all from the grey literature and UK-based. Since then a number of further ...
the next stage of work will be to apply our analytical procedure to the Leipzig Research Centre for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) dataset, one of the world’s largest collections of 3D body scan data with over 10,000 participants49. The increased size of this cohort will enable a greater rang...
Since the full MCDA is published in the supplementary documents (S1–S8), we allow the reader to apply their own weighting system reflecting their personal values and to generate customised clean technology ranking for specific farm situations. For example, policy makers in the European Union could...
The flexibility of dose and dosage forms makes 3D printing a very interesting tool for personalized medicine, with fused deposition modeling being the most promising and intensively developed method. In our research, we analyzed how various types of disi