GSTIN, short for Goods & Services Tax Identification Number is a 15-digit, unique identification number allotted to each taxpayer (GST registered business, firm, dealer, supplier, business entity) once they have registered under the GST regime in India. Every business operating in a state or Un...
In case of Companies, GSTN would strive for online verification of Company Identification Number (CIN) from MCA21. Constitution of business / applicant as per PAN would be taken except for businesses such as Society, Trust etc. which are not captured in PAN. Partnership Deed would be required...
1. Online Payment via GST Portal Log In: Access the official GST portal with your credentials. Create Challan: Navigate to the ‘Services’ section, select ‘Payments,’ and then ‘Create Challan.’ Select Tax Head: Choose the appropriate tax heads and input the payment amount. Choose Payment...
IndiaFilings/Learn/How To Apply Gst Number IndiaFilingsAbout IndiaFilingsOnline PaymentCareersContact Us PlatformsBusiness SearchTrademark SearchClient PortalFilings.AE for UAE UsageTerms & ConditionsPrivacy PolicyRefund Policy Confidentiality PolicyDisclaimer PolicyIndiaFilings Review ...
On August 1, 2024, we will start collecting Canadian indirect taxes for all orders in compliance with Canadian Tax requirements. If your business has a valid Goods and Services Tax (GST)/ Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) number with the Canada Revenue Agency or a valid Quebec Sales Tax (QST) nu...
It’s a legal requirement to pay GST if your business meets the criteria above. Your business could be penalised if you don’t apply for GST registration. Registering for GST ensures regular record-keeping and allows you to claim GST credits on business purchases, reducing your tax liability...
You cannot self-register a company in Singapore if you’re a foreigner. You may need to apply for a Singapore work visa or pass to work in Singapore. Instead, a company that provides incorporation services registered as a filing agent must be hired. Licensed agents will act as an intermedia...
Step 1: First install the Gen TDS and TCS Return Filing Software and move the cursor to TDS Forms. Step 2: Then select Form 49B(TAN). Step 3: Then Select the Client. Step 4: Then you need to fill in the data. Step 5: Then you have to click on Apply Online. Step 6: Then da...
Step by step procedure to login with GST common portal in India Mechanism of Payment of GST tax in India Levy of late fee for GST Tax returns filing in India I pay Service Tax on my services. But I am not sure how do I pay the new GST?
A generation-skipping trust (GST) is a type of legally binding trust agreement in which the contributedassetsare passed down to the grantor's grandchildren. They "skip" the next generation, the grantor's children. The assets avoidestate taxesthat would apply if the children directly inherited th...