it was trying to get an app name unreserved from an old account. Once in the callback, I asked for help with the verification process - and they were very helpful in explaining the issue and trying to find a way through.
"MICROSOFT EDGE WILL RESTART IN XX HOURS" "To apply updates required by your organization, restart Microsoft Edge" I shut down my computer every single night. These notifications are not necessary. I can understand if Edge has been open for longer than one day, but that is...
Dear All, I would like to know how to remove the PCI interface for WiFi module installed by default on i.MX8MQ EVK. Should I change some
User-Agent: connecting to the "" addresses above, chances are you annoyed Apple too much, so they blocked you. Check your mobile carrier. If it says something about outgoing "SMS Services", that means SMS got sent, but Apple assh*les just ...
This repo provides some info on how to downgrade, jailbreak, and setup IOS 10.3.3 on an iPhone 5s. - WRFan/jailbreak10.3.3
Functionality being removed or changed imregcorr Function: Behavior changes resulting from improvements to registration algorithms Behavior change Prior to R2024b, the imregcorr function supported only the phase correlation method. Starting in R2024b, imregcorr uses a new default method called ...
How to apply fine grained password policy to an OU How to assign an ID card to a (Active Directory) user account How to Audit Access Granted (Delegations) to a User in Active Directory? How to audit DNS (AD Integrated) changes How to authenticate to AD LDS? How to back and restore ...
After editing the file, save it by pressingCTRL+X. To apply the changes, restart the MySQL service using the following command: sudo systemctl restart mysql 2. Open the required MySQL port The default MySQL port for external connections is port3306. If you have a firewall configured on your...
To do this, follow the steps below. Preparations for Installation LicenseManager Installation Codeword Registration JobCenter MG/SV Installation JobCenter CL/Win Installation : 2.1 : 2.2 : 2.3 : 2.4 : 2.5 Install only the necessary packages. Figure 2.1. Installation flow To install any ...