i have a boil the size of a tennis ball on the inside of my thigh, and I'm in total agony. I get them quite frequently, but usually as soon as i feel one coming i apply lots of toothpaste to the area, cover and leave overnight. This is the only time it hasn't worked! I've...
preferably one that you put on and leave on (not a wash). The patient must be careful not to get it on clothes as it will bleach them. One approach is to apply before bedtime every other night and wear white underwear. Alternatively, clindamycin...
Try not to let other bath products (like shampoo or conditioner) seep into the incision site. To prevent surgical site infections, your doctor might recommend an antiseptic soap like Hibiclens. Since it’s a strong disinfectant, avoid applying the product on your face, and do not wash with...