A hand spreader will be more effective for applying gypsum to an established flower or garden area. A lawn spreader will be more effective for applying gypsum to a new planting area. You can apply gypsum at any time of the year. Gypsum is non-toxic and it will not harm vegetation. Some...
Liquid lawn aerators are easier to apply, but take longer to yield results, but ultimately they do work and perform as advertised. Turf Titan Thatch Buster is a good liquid aerator to try. Does Gypsum help with compacted soil? There are some resources that recommend adding gypsum to your la...
you don’t need to remove your lawn. However, it will be difficult to mow around and between raised garden beds. Consider planting low-growingcover crops like cloverthat don’t need to be trimmed, and will attract more bees to your garden. You also can surround the ...
For many people, winter is a reprieve fromlawn care, but the care you give your lawn before putting it to bed andduring the cold seasoncan have a huge impact on how well it survives to spring. For example, your last mow can affect disease and damage susceptibility. “Mow the lawn at ...
regularmowing at the recommended height for your grass typehelps your lawn stay healthy and vigorous. Regular watering and fertilization also help keep your lawn competitive against invading weeds. Soil amendments such aslime to restore balance to soil pHor gypsum to relieve compaction enhance your so...
. Adding sand and gypsum can help, too. Planting in raised beds is another way to improve the drainage of heavy soil and make it more bulb-friendly. Many small bulbs such as snowdrops, snake’s-head fritillaries, and eranthis prefer more humus-rich soils that never go bone-dry in...
Question:The garden center recommended a “complete fertilizer” to use on the lawn, landscape trees and shrubs for my yard, how do I go about choosing the right fertilizer for my use?Martin, Peachtree, Georgia Answer:Martin, homeowners face many options in choosing from a great variety of ...
Drywall (also known as "plaster board" and by the trade name "Sheetrock") is a half-inch layer of plaster or gypsum sandwiched between two thick sheets of paper. It is remarkably solid, and also remarkably heavy. To finish this house, 134 sheets of drywall measuring 4 feet wide by 12 ...
Do I wait to sand until after I apply the wax? Do I use a dry cloth to wipe off the sandings after painting? Can you please advise and break down the order of painting, sanding wiping and waxing. I’m looking for a finish like your modern bedroom chest in pale blue. After two ...
Drywall (also known as "plaster board" and by the trade name "Sheetrock") is a half-inch layer of plaster or gypsum sandwiched between two thick sheets of paper. It is remarkably solid, and also remarkably heavy. To finish this house, 134 sheets of drywall measuring 4 feet wide by 12 ...