From Participation in the Green Card Lottery Program this Year BangladeshBrazilCanadaChina (+ Hong Kong)Colombia CubaDominican RepublicEl SalvadorHaitiHonduras IndiaJamaicaMexicoNigeriaPakistan PhilippinesSouth KoreaVenezuelaVietnam Persons born in Macau SAR, and Taiwan are eligible to apply for this year’...
A green card (or Permanent Resident Card), is an identity document issued by USCIS that allows non-US citizens to live and work in the country. Learn more.
The Green Card Lottery, also known as the Diversity Visa Lottery, offers a chance for individuals from certain countries to apply for a permanent resident visa (green card) to live and work in the U.S. The U.S. Congress established the diversity immigrant visa program to diversify the immig...
According to the Chinese National Immigration Administration, a spouse applying for a China Green Card needs to meet the following conditions: married to a Chinese citizen (with permanent residence in China) or aforeignerwho has been granted permanent residence status in China, and the marriage has...
美国永久居民卡(United States Permanent Resident Card),亦称作绿卡(green card),是用于证明外国人在美利坚合众国境内拥有永久居民身份的一种身份证。“获得绿卡”则用于指称成为永久居民的移民过程。绿卡持有者的合法永久居留权是由官方授予的移民福利,其中包括有条件地在美国居留与获取工作的许可。持有者必须保持他的永...
HowtoapplyforagreencardinChina Editor'sNote:IfyouwanttospendmoretimeinChinaforfamilyreasons,bu siness,oranyotherpurpose,andyouhavetogetvisaeachtimeyoutravelthr oughcustoms,orifyouwanttosavetimeandexpenseonvisas,aChinesegre encardwillbeyourgreenlighttoaccessChina.Findoutmorefromthearticl e. "TheRegulation...
Here are the primary benefits of a Green Card: 1. Employment: Foreigners with China permanent residency can accept a job without needing to apply for China work permits and residence permits. Another benefit of having permanent residency is the privilege of endless and better career opportunities....
How to Apply for a Green Card (USCIS) Green Card-Based USCIS Forms Welcome to the U.S.: A Guide for New Immigrants (USCIS) How Do I Know What My Responsibilities Are? (USCIS) How Do I Change My Address With USCIS? (USCIS)
how to apply for China green card?如何申请中国绿卡? 外籍人才申请中国绿卡 this is new policy. please check it. then contact us. wechat yearchina88 to do more conversation. new policy
How to prepare for the green card interview As the saying goes: Fail to prepare, prepare to fail! And the green card interview is no different. But as long as you understand what questions you’ll be asked and what documents to bring along, you’ll be well on your way to success. Wh...