Now, the brewing process.Start with freshly ground coffee. Remember, grind size matters – aim for a fine grind, like table salt. Next is tamping. Apply even pressure to compact the grounds, ensuring an even extraction. When you start your shot, aim for a 25 to 30-second extraction. Thi...
Assuming your espresso machine is fully heated up and ready to go, grind your coffee exactly the same way you’d do for a normal double espresso shot. The goal here is to make the best possible espresso you can. Use our Espresso How To as a reference point. Tamp the Dose Again, pro...
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Place the first course of patio stones in the trench end to end. Determine where the raised patio will be and use hoses or ropes to create an outline of the patio. Add 3 inches of gravel over the trench, tamp it down and add another 3 inches. Apply mortar to the top of the first...
Learn how to grow and care for gardenias in your garden or as a houseplant. Get tips for planting, pruning and more and discover the best gardenia varieties.
Optional: Apply WDT A better way to level out a clumpy, uneven bed of coffee is to use a WDT device (as seen here) to fluff up the bed and declump the coffee. We have afull guide on this method. Tamp the Coffee Once you’re satisfied with your quick levelling of the bed of cof...
Discover how to use the Moka Pot to make espresso-style coffee without the need for a large, expensive, high-maintenance machine.
Hold your portafilter firm and level on the tamp mat or stand (it’s important that the portafilter basket is flat, and that you are not tamping at an angle). Grasp your tamper as if you are shaking hands with a doorknob, and apply light, even, and equal force to the coffee bed. ...
Apply translucent powder (I prefer loose), which will help to tamp down the shimmery finish of your cheek color. You can also try using a matte blush of a similar hue, but this can often result in less-shimmery but more-intense coverage so it doesn’t always work as well!
At CoffeeGeek, we’re completely adamant that espresso needs to be cooled down in stages when making iced versions of espresso based beverages. This same rule doesn’t apply to brewed coffee that becomes iced, only espresso. Why is that?