Waiting for your response….. keafy Khan Thanks a lot my best teacher . May I ask aqustion If I made this exam in my country and I got high degree can I join to my collage directly without any extra exam? Greetings. Moh Thanks jafarasady ...
Ice. Apply ice to the painful area. The rule for icing is to apply ice no more than twenty minutes per hour. Do not place the ice directly against the skin, especially if you are using a gel pack style. A bag of frozen peas can be ideal. Individuals with poor circulation or impaired...
Here are some great tips for remembering your vocabulary and learning new words. This lesson will show you how to learn more than one new word at a time and how to practice learning and remembering words that will improve all areas of your English quickl
IELTS Video Lesson: How to improve your IELTS speaking: clickhere Topics for IELTS speaking part 2: clickhere Hi Liz, I’m an ardent follower of your and I must thank you for your selfless service to your students. I did my speaking test today , but I’, a bit worried about one th...
For I now see why 0 Equalsepi i+ 1. e raised to thepitimesi, And plus 1 leaves you nought but a sigh. This fact amazed Euler That genius toiler, And still gives us pause, bye the bye. The Pythagorean Theorem: A triangle’s sidesa, b, c, ...
Is it possible to find a state school place when you don’t yet live in London? Youcannot apply for a place at a state school unless you already reside in London. However, you can certainly start preparations for finding a place. The most important thing you need to know iswhich London...
Actually, to get 6.5 the first time is pretty good. If you need a higher score for university admission or some other purpose, you can try the exam again. Of course it costs money, but take note of what your individual scores were on the different sections and focus on improving those...
Recently, the microbiota-gut-brain axis (MGBA) has emerged as an enticing subject not only to understand AD pathology but also to provide novel therapeutic strategies for AD. In this review, the general concept of the MGBA and its impacts on the development and progression of AD are described...