The use of perceived resilience attributes and capacities as indicators opens up the possibility to apply the assessment to different farming systems given that farmers respond from their own farming experience (Clare et al., 2017). Overall, the results of our study showed that some farm(er) ...
EmpiricalEvidencefromTwoChannels TheADBEconomicsWorkingPaperSeriespresentsresearchinprogresstoelicitcommentsandencouragedebateondevelopmentissuesinAsiaandthePacific.TheviewsexpressedarethoseoftheauthorsanddonotnecessarilyreflecttheviewsandpoliciesofADBor itsBoardofGovernorsorthegovernmentstheyrepresent. Sei-WanKim,DonghyunPa...
This activity can take many forms, from individual actions, to community groups acting to care for their neighborhoods, to larger civil society organizations acting in the public realm. What unites such diverse types of social organization and modes of action is that p...