if you are currently receiving financial aid to go to college, that financial aid will still go toward your study abroad program. You could also take out a student loan oraccumulate some scholarship money. If you can’t afford to study abroad for a full year, a ...
Abigail Akerson attended high school in Florida and hoped to play college soccer, but when she didn't receive any scholarship offers from in-state schools, she looked out of state. She received a partial scholarship to play soccer at Columbus State University in Georgia, ...
This is where the extracurriculars actually are important. If you have good grades and test scores, and you can point to one of those stunning accomplishments mentioned before, you’re going to get into virtually whatever college you want. And maybe even get a scholarship ...
Although school takes up most of my time right now, I still manage to find the time to work, volunteer, and write. No matter what I do, I try to use my abilities to be the change I wish to see in the world. I love to help others, and I hope I can help you...
"What I wouldn't consider is if they have an offer or offers from universities and turn them down and say, 'I'm just not going to college at all for now, I'm just going to go later,'" Chu says. "Once you turn it down, there's no guarantee of an offer when you apply again...
If you have leftover funds in a 529 plan, such as when the beneficiary receives a significant scholarship or chooses not to go to college, you have several options. You can change the beneficiary to another qualifying relative, keep the current beneficiary in case they decide to pursue higher...
"I have had one student who was in a wheelchair, and she received scholarship money for her academics, but the only money she received for her disability was from the local Kiwanis who have a scholarship for students who have 'overcome great challenges,'" says Kate McVey, director of ...
Quit blaming yourself for the state of the relationship. You didn’t and couldn’t control the outcome. Why beat yourself up? ReadWHEN PEOPLE ASK ABOUT MY ESTRANGED CHILDREN… WHAT CAN I SAY? Here are a few more ideas to help you heal and let go. ...
Despite interest in online learning for meeting student needs at scale, existing research finds relatively low levels of engagement in most forms of virtua
"We birthed Baja Beach Fest because we wanted to create an inclusive event for Latinos, specifically young Mexican Americans on the West Coast, and that turned into this movement. It was almost the perfect storm," Den Uijl says. "As the brand has grown, we are now bringing...