Regulated prices (e.g., fixed amounts such as yearly lump-sum payments, vouchers, fixed prices per activation, prices in line with the loss of production, or in the form of a discount on grid charges regardless of utilisation) are mainly paid to small-scale DER such as residential custom...
from age 5 to 9, conditional upon consistency of dual WIC/SNAP enrollment. FV declined when there was low consistency (<1 year) of dual support. FV consumption was stable across INR when combined WIC/SNAP support lasted at least 2 years. Results can inform strategies for optimizing the nutri...
The components of tourism offers, or products expected by tourists—who increasingly look for destinations (including accommodation facilities or attractions) that guarantee a sense of security (mainly sanitary and epidemiological) on the basis of national or regional voucher systems, certification, and ...
(2) Method: We randomly assigned 122 females to a three-week intervention of practicing acts of kindness or a neutral intervention (practicing acts related to studying). Before and after the interventions, all participants reported their life satisfaction, level of materialism, and internal and ...
The CASU project promotes CA mechanization in a variety of ways including harnessing the potential of existing service providers to focus on CA; linking CA mechanization to on-going social protection programmes (e.g., by using e-vouchers to stimulate demand); the creation of collaborative PPPs ...