Perhaps most notably, Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly purchased a rifle and pistol in this manner. Individuals who want to sell or collect guns must now apply for a Federal Firearms License (FFL) from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). The ATF offers a Curio and Relics FFL ...
I also believe that non-trophy hunts are a great way to introduce new hunters to the sport. Now that I have a son in elementary school, I have a greater appreciation for just how brief the attention span of a six-year-old really is. As he matures, I hope he’ll have the patience ...
To understand how machine guns work, it helps to know something about firearms in general. Almost any gun is based on one simple concept: You apply explosive pressure behind a projectile to launch it down a barrel. The earliest and simplest application of this idea is the cannon. The Anatomy...
Because snipers are masters of stealth, they are perfectly suited to sneak behind enemy lines to provide command with information about the enemy's size, strength and location. When the mission calls for it, snipers can also dismantle and dishearten the enemy with a few well-placed rifle ...
Connect your headphones:The soundtrack to Call of Duty: Mobile is excellent - and it also helps you get more aware of what's happening around you. You'll be able to pinpoint footsteps, listen for the cough of a silenced sniper rifle and much more if you can hear them clearly. Playing...
Silencer Shop is utilizing the ATF eForms system tosubmit Form 1 applications to the ATF digitally! ... We'll print and mail a copy of your prints to the ATF as soon as we submit the Form 1 in eFile. For eFile submissions, we'll let you know via email when your item is approved...
According to surveys, few of us journey outside our home states to hunt, so travel concerns simply don’t apply to many. On the other hand, in international hunting, the U.S. market is the world’s largest. So although the percentage is small, Americans do travel to hunt. If you ...