You’ll rustle up a workable number in no time. Now for the fun bit. Let’s imagine how that number might look once you no longer answer to The Man. 2. Subtract expenses that will no longer apply. For starters you can gleefully strike out all your work-related costs – commuting, ...
For that, your balance sheet is crucial. After all, scrambling through piles of receipts or scrolling for emails is stressful with a deadline looming or an auditor watching over you. You don’t want to miss an opportunity for an acquisition, investment, or loan becauseyour financial recordsare...
Basically, it’s reasonable to assume that market prices will invariably turn out be wrong on a post hoc analysis, but that they’re still the best collective guess at the time made, and more likely to be less wrong then than an average individual guess by an average ability investor....
Then, after receiving the funds and holding them, they will exchange the funds at a rate that is not favourable to you because nothing was pre-agreed with them and they can apply the “default spread” to your transfer. It would still be cheaper to receive with that rate than a bank’s...
For years I have used a metaphor to convey to my patients why they suddenly find themselves feeling so unsettled. I define four essential constituents of mental well-being and compare them to the poles of a tent. The four are: Health.This need not be perfect, but allows you to function ...
Bank accounts alone, however, cannot overcome the main barriers to inclusion, but are merely the first step toward a more comprehensive, effectual inclusion (Akeju, 2022, Brune et al., 2016). Thus, in addition to bank accounts, two more goals in securing financial inclusion for vulnerable ...
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period in which the liability is settled or the asset realised, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. The measurement ...
Theevidence is patchyand may not apply to you. I’ve read research that concludes retirees spend more if they have it, but spend less on average because most end up with less to spend. Kitces’ flexible spending modifier: +0.5% SWR for modest spending cuts in bear markets and/or plan ...
The following should apply for the successful economic system (i.e., the system achieving to satisfy more needs): their output and consequently their difference between outputs and inputs are increasing over time, while this growth is caused mainly by intensive factors. In general, an economic ...