Excel has in-built filter options that allow you to filter based on one or more than one columns in one go. In this method, you have to select the column heading and then apply the filter from the option in the ribbon. Let’s see it in practice For demonstration purposes, I will use...
Another type of text filter allows us to filter rows based on text that begins with specific characters or a set of characters. For instance, we can filter rows where theshipping addressesstart withNew. This way, we’ll identify all rows with shipping addresses likeNew YorkorNew Hampshire. S...
Select the header of the data table by selecting cells B4:F4 to apply the filter option. Go to the Data tab. From the Sort & Filter group, select the Filter option. Click on the Filter icon of column C. Select the names that start with A and unmark the other names. Click OK. Cl...
The second filter condition refers to the Amount column. Since values may or may not satisfy both conditions, the second criterion should not be placed in the same row as the previous condition. In our example, we’ll place it in cell G3. To apply these filter conditions: Go to the Dat...
Only filter inserts and updates. Superfluous deletes will be downloaded to the client, but they will be ignored. Perform logical deletes on the server. Instead of deleting the row, use an ON DELETE trigger to update a column that flags the row as deleted or archived. The change is then ...
1. If FilterExpression has a custom function operator, it's necessary to find exactly this custom operator and replace its value with an actual one. In the case of Auto Filter Row, this can be done in theASPxGridView.ProcessColumnAutoFilterevent handler as shown below: ...
Click on the arrow next to the header column of the data you wish to filter, and then go toNumber Filters > Custom Filter…This brings up the Custom Autofilter window. For this example, you want to display rows wherePriceis between500and700. For the top two fields, chooseis greater tha...
(1.) CheckMy data has headersif you needn’t compare the two column headers; (2.) SelectEach rowunder theBased onsection; (3.) SelectSame Valuesif you want to find the cell values both in the two columns under theFindsection;
Drag the fill handle down to apply the formula to other cells, and all alphabetical characters will be extracted from the reference column. See screenshot:4. Go on entering this formula: =retnum(A2) into another blank cell, and drag the fill handle down to the cells to contain this ...
Step 2Click on the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click on the Filter button. Step 3In the Filter by color drop-down list, select the color that you want to filter by. Step 4The filter will be applied to the column. ...