No need to apply any. I put a tiny bit of Saphir Renovateur on scratches and buff them out. Works like a charm and that is all they need as regards shoe care products. Reply Simon Crompton Reply to Quentin 3 years ago I think the thing with the bone is you can get more than...
The SCD works for both women and men. Maria Rider (pictured below) is over 40 years of age and a mother. As she put it to me, she’d always been “the heavy mom.” Now she’s seen differently: “I haven’t seen this weight since my college years! I just wish you’d written ...
Chapter 4’s attorney Casucci dismisses this as “the frivolous argument of a free rider. They are not Robin Hood.” He acknowledges that the Supreme Spain operation is legitimate, but adds “my impression is there’s a typical case of undue profit off the reputation of another brand.” ...