When you quote a source, you have to introduce the quote, enclose it in quotation marks, and correctly cite it.
How to Cite Articles (APA)If there is no DOInumber, check withyour professor. Youmay include the URL of the magazine website or the name of thedatabase where youretrieved the article.First InitialWeiszMcCartyValeri
Below, you’ll find details on how to cite in MLA 9, APA, and Chicago styles, as well as a specific example of a video cited from Instagram (check out @itsdougthepug for more photos and videos like this one). Use the following structure to cite an Instagram video in MLA 9: ...
Like short quotes, for APA citation of journal articles, you must also cite the author, year of publication and the page number(s) for long quotes, and this information can be embedded within the sentence surrounding the quote, cited at the end of the sentence, or a mixture of both. ...
for their research and other professional writing. As a student, your grade may depend on your ability to format your research papers exactly as the style manual requires. It's important to note that in APA style, first and middle names of authors are not spelled out; only initials are ...
How to Quote a Poem The basic rules for quoting a line of poetry are the same as for quoting any other source. As such, to quote a poem, you should: Place the quoted text within quotation marks. Cite the author’s surname and year of publication in brackets. ...
How to cite a YouTube video in APA format To cite a YouTube video in APA format, follow this formula: Real last name, First initial. [Username]. (Year, Month Day). Video title [Video]. YouTube. URL. Not all uploaders use their real name as their username or share it in their ...
Remember that your ideas need to be in your own words and that you use research as support. Topic sentences and thesis sentences should always be in your own words and not ideas borrowed from someone else. How do I cite a source? Internet Writing: When you are writing on the web, you...
If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator. Caulfield, J. (2024, November 06). How to Cite a Newspaper Article | MLA, APA & Chicago. Scribbr. ...
APA Format Quotes Adding relevant and credible quotes and paraphrased content strengthens the quality of your paper. However, you should use them to support and prove your research points and not the other way around. When quoting directly from a source, include the year of publication, author ...