Here are some tips. First, it is best to answer the phone after 2or become impatient and think you're not available may not have enough time to organize his or her thought. Second, it is necessary to answer the phone in a quiet somewhere quieting so that you can hear the caller, an...
(D)Knowing how to answer the phone politely is an essential part of communicating with others,so here's how to do it.51. It will make a difference in how you sound.Say “hello"“hi"or maybe "the Brown's residence(住处)", but don't fool around with the greeting. 52.___If the...
#英文王子# How to answer the phone in English ? 怎样用英语接电话?跟着外教一起,看看如何用英语接电话吧。[哈哈][话筒][话筒]
aKnowing how to answer the phone politely is an essential part of communication with others, so here's how to do it. 会回答电话礼貌地是通信的一个主要部分与其他的,那么这对怎么做它。[translate]
2.根据If you talk too soon, you might even leak out some personal details to the speaker which you don't want strangers to know.可知此处是说除非百分之百确定对方是谁,否则不要直接说话。 3.根据Don't even answer an unknown person unless you want some more information on why he/ she is ...
(D)Knowing how to answer the phone politely is an important part of communication with others, so here's how to do it.①(61))___ It will make a difference in how you sound.② Say "Hello", "Hi" or maybe "The Brown's Residence (住处)", but don't fool around with the greeting...
毕博管理咨询工具Training Evaluation Form-Chinese 热度: 相关推荐 模块 Module: 行政管理 Administration 流程: Process: 电话 Telephone 系统: System: 如何接听电话 HowtoAnswertheTelephone 系统执行人: SystemChampion: 接待员 Receptionist 目标 Objectives: 遵守正确的接听电话的程序 Tofollowthecorrectprocedureforans...
Even if you don’t speak much Chinese, communicating face to face is not that hard as body language works. But what if you have to make or answer a phone call? What can we say? In this week’s Chinese Corner, we will teach you ho...
Knowing how to answer the phone in apoliteway is an essential part ofcommunicationwith others and is often tricky if you're nervous of phone calls. Here are a few tips on answering the telephone politely. Steps 1.Prepare to focus on the conversation. Stop whatever you may have been doing ...
【题目】Knowing how to answer the phone politely isan essential part of communication with others, so here's how to do it.1.(66)It will make adifference.2. Say, "Hello", "Hi" or maybe “T he Brown'sResidence (住处)", but don't fool around withthe greeting. It might be an ...