MMI stations are often about 8 to 10 minutes; however, some stations may be longer or shorter, and you may encounter multiple questions at one station. Practice giving succinct answers in varying time limits so that you’re capable of giving a 2 to 3 minute answer or a 6 to 8 minute a...
While you don’t want your response to sound overly rehearsed or robotic, being well-prepared can help you stay calm and articulate during the actual interview. Practice speaking your answer out loud, focusing on maintaining a natural and engaging tone. Pay attention to your body language, as ...
While these questions may be posed in a way to prompt a "yes" or "no" response, often the interviewer is more interested in your thought process than your ultimate answer. Keeping this in mind and recognizing that there is almost never a single right answer to ...
Accepted’s Med School Admissions Quiz can give you a quick reality check. Just go, complete the quiz, and you will not only get an assessment, but also tips on how to improve your chances of acceptance. Plus, it’s all free. Today’s guest, Dr. Valerie ...
In answer to our second research question regarding the factors involved with establishing a new medical school, we identified thirteen key considerations. These included: reasons for establishment; location choices; leadership and governance; costs and funding; partnerships; staffing; student numbers; stu...
Is an admissions consultant for you? How will they help? And most importantly, is it WORTH it? Watch this short video to help you answer these questions for yourself. Medical school applicants face grueling competition and an unfamiliar, arduous journey to acceptance. Let me show you how...
If you’re preparing for your medical school or residency interviews, Med School Insiders offersmock interviewswith former interviewers to help you hone your voice and ability to answer questions under pressure. All of our mock interviewers have served on admissions committees and interviewed hundreds ...
When you present your research in a med school application or discuss it in an interview, it’s important to first present that gap in knowledge that you’re trying to fill. Basically, this is the research question that you are trying to answer. Read: How...
Don't get discouraged by all thestudy abroad mythsout there. The journey from first considering a program to actually stepping foot on campus may appear to be full of hurdles, but good planning and a positive mindset can go a long way. To make the answer to 'How does studying abroad wor...
An interview provides the college with an opportunity to give you more information about the school and answer any of your questions about the school and the application process. Additionally,the interview gives the school an opportunity to learn more about you, your interests, and how you’ll ...