1. End your current conversation and talk to the new caller. Hang up your current call like normal. Your phone will then ring. Pick it up and start talking to the new caller. 2. Put your first caller on hold, then answer the incoming call. ...
Note: While the user is on call and another person will call the user, he/she will receive a call waiting alert and can “answer & end the call” However the caller can also get notified that the user is busy on another call. Related articles: How to enable the Call barring feature?
Answer a call: Touch and drag to . With call waiting on, touch and drag to to answer the new call, then tap Hold current call + Answer or End current call + Answer. Note: When you hold the smartphone to your ear, the display goes dark to prevent accidental touches. When you move ...
Activate Call Waiting Go to [Settings] > [System Apps] > [Call] > [Carrier Call Settings] > [Additional Settings] and toggle on [Call Waiting]. You will hear a beep tone that alerts you to the incoming call. If you answer the new incoming call, the original call will be placed on...
You can also choose to answer the call on your iPhone or send a text message. When the call comes in, turn the Digital Crown or swipe upwards to access these options. If you are in a meeting or otherwise engaged and forget to silence your Apple Watch ahead of time, you can quickly ...
FAQ for Samsung Mobile. Find more about how to enable/disable the ‘call waiting’ feature in your Samsung Smartphone with Samsung Support.
Answer the second caller: to accept the new call, simply tap theAnswerbutton. This will put your first call on hold Decline the second call: if you don’t want to take the new call, tapDecline. This will send the caller to voicemail ...
Do's and Don'ts While Waiting for a Job Follow these guidelines to reduce stress while waiting to hear back after a job interview. Hallie CrawfordNov. 26, 2024 Job Skills to Put on Your Resume Here's a look at some in-demand job skills for your resume. ...
However, this is where the call waiting feature on your iPhone comes in! It notifies you about an incoming call when you’re on another call and lets you answer or decline it, so you never miss any important calls. Here’s everything you need to know about the call waiting feature on...
How to Trump Call-Waiting