How to Annotate Art methods 1 Describing a Work’s Formal Elements 2 Analyzing Your Creative Process 3 Annotating Another Artist’s Work Other Sections Related Articles References Co-authored by wikiHow Staff Last Updated: May 3, 2023 Art annotations for GCSE examinations or other situatio...
Many Art students find that drawing itself allows them to relax and thoughts to flow freely. You may wish to make a mind map in and around an observational drawing that sprawls across a page, in a fragmented, semi-complete way. As you think of possible ideas, these could be scrawled upo...
For text-based subjects, the back-to-basics of annotating can be hugely powerful, as can making a note of questions or ideas to research further. If you want to be really organised, print off your medium-term plans to annotate with additional information as you wander. Plan in real time ...