What should you annotate in a poem? Identify and underline any words you do not understand and look them up. Write the definitions ON the poem. Discover and mark rhyme scheme using a new letter for each end rhyme within the poem.Identify ALL figurative language used within the poem. What ...
And it wasn’t until I taught students how to annotate a poem that I really learned how to do both in conjunction. I owe it all to this lesson plan: Choose a short poem (15-20 lines). Copy it onto a half-slice of paper and use the other half for writing an analysis. W...
To ‘annotate’ is, simply, to ‘add notes’. These could be comments, explanations, criticisms, or questions pertaining to whatever text you’re reading. To annotate a text, you generally highlight or underline important pieces of information and make notes in the margin. You can annotate di...
Although it sounds complicated, annotating is just a way to take notes when you analyze a text. To annotate a poem, you’ll need to read the poem multiple times, highlighting significant passages. As you read, make notes to yourself in the margins. Then, you can analyze the poem using ...