As soon as the glass gets out of the bath, it passes through a lehr oven — a long kiln with an end-to-end temperature gradient. This allows the glass to anneal without strain. It also prevents the glass from cracking due to the temperature change. More specifically, this process changes...
Second most common error was cooking the final pieces too much (and more rarely cooling too fast). In these cases, the glass would compress too tightly to the rock and obvious COE differences would fracture the glass across the rock, oftentimes through the cap and base - sure death to a ...
One of the great advantages to using CNC machining is its versatility. That's because precision CNC milling and turning works successfully with a very wide variety of raw materials to produce finished parts. This gives design engineers many options when
Now that all my glass emissaries have been labeled, bagged, boxed and shipped all the things that I would have, could have and should have done to make them better come to mind. They will be strewn all over the country, well the world for that matter, conjure them perfect I would; b...
(100 to 300 amps), a copper nozzle provides good heat resistance. Copper nozzles also resist spatter buildup. For higher-amperage applications (above 300 amps), a brass welding nozzle is the better choice. Brass does not anneal as fast as copper, so the welding nozzle will maintain its ...