Windows Debugging Tools是分析DMP文件的官方工具。它是Windows SDK的一部分,可以从Microsoft官网下载并安装。 步骤: 下载并安装Windows SDK。 安装完成后,打开“Windows调试工具”(WinDbg)。 在WinDbg中,选择“文件” > “打开转储文件”,然后选择你的DMP文件。 加载文件后,输入命令!analyze -v,系统将分析转储文件并...
The ".dmp" file includes the stop error message, a list of the drivers loaded at the time of the problem, kernel, processor, and process details, as well as other information depending on the type of dump file you have. AlthoughWindows 10automatically creates dump files, the only problem ...
Locate the dump file in the folder%SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMPwhich is usually found in theC Drive. ClickOpen. Do note that opening the dump file may take some time. So, you need to wait. In the run command, type the below and pressEnter:!analyze -v The process will start and you can ...
windbg -y srv*C:\Symbols* -i C:\Windows\i386 -z C:\Windows\Minidump\minidump.dmp 检查转储文件 可以使用多个命令来收集转储文件中的信息,包括以下命令: 该!analyze -show命令显示“停止”错误代码及其参数。 停止错误代码也称为 bug 检查代码。
4: Navigate to the location “C:\Windows” and “C:\Windows\Minidumpin the File Explorer. 5: Type “.dmp” to find the files. Confirm the files are no longer present in the location. Method 4: Delete System Memory Dump Files Using CCleaner ...
3. Use NirSoft DMP file viewer Visit theNirSoft website. Scroll down and click onDownload BlueScreenView. Extract the Zip file. Double-click onBlueScreenViewto start the application. Click on theAnalyzeicon, selectLoad from the following MiniDump folder, selectBrowseand choose your dump file, th...
Note: The default location of crash dumps on your Windows computer is:%SystemRoot%\Minidump. 6. As soon as you click the button, the dump file will be opened in the WinDbg tool. 7. Once the file is opened, click on the!analyze -vat the bottom or type!analyze -vin the execution fie...
information allocated in memory like the "kernel memory dump," but if thevirtual memoryis set to "system managed size," Windows 10 can automatically configure the file size to capture the data required to analyze the problem. The crash is saved into the%SystemRoot%\Memory.dmpfile by default....
Learn how to open, read & analyze Mini/Small Memory Crash Dump (DMP) files in Windows 11/10. You can also use a Dump File Analyzer.
To load the dump file into a debugger, use one of the following commands and then press ENTER: windbg -y SymbolPath -i ImagePath -z DumpFilePath kd -y SymbolPath -i ImagePath -z DumpFilePath If you chose to save the file in the C:\windows\minidump\minidump.dmp folder, you can ...