And is there further information or analysis that you need? Ask yourself whether you have really supported your conclusions and recommendations with hard evidence (events and results) from the case study? Have you allowed yourself to be swayed by the opinions of the organisation's own managers?
For each of the alternative outcomes in your business case study analysis, run a cost-benefit analysis to identify the likely outcomes of the proposed solution versus how expensive it will be. Is your solution feasible from an operational, financial and technical standpoint? What assumptions have y...
if it is a group project, it allows students to participate in a process of working in a group and share ideas as well as gain ideas from others · if it is an individual project, it allows students to use their critical-analytical and problem-solving skills when analysing and evaluating ...
“How to write a case study,” every student wonders this at some time in their lives. In a layman’s terms, case study involves in-depth and detailed research of the case of study. It also involves research of its related conditions. It requires thorough study and analysis of the case...
For example, case studies may be used to examine court cases if you study Law, or a patient's health history if you study Medicine. Case studies are also used in Marketing, which are thorough, empirically supported analysis of a good or service's performance. Well-designed case studies can...
They’re a powerful sales and marketing tool for those prospects that are sitting on the fence. The problem is, they’re often dry, bland, and anything but magical. Never fear, though, as we’ve done some in-depth case study analysis. ...
Step 2: Create a theoretical framework Theoretical frameworks are used to guide the analysis and interpretation of data in a case study. The framework should provide a clear explanation of the key concepts, variables, and relationships that are relevant to the research question. The theoretical fram...
Since the goal of a case study is to get an in-depth understanding of a specific situation, it is perfect for unique cases which may not have a lot of experimental or theoretical data. But this also makes it a very subjective method of analysis, one that cannot be generalized to fit la...
问题Questions假设Propositions分析单位Unitofanalysis数据与假设的联系Linkingdatatopropositions解释结果的标准Criteriaforinterpretingthefindings 问题与假设 QuestionsandPropositions 问题Questions 高层次的问题ThehighlevelquestionsoftheCaseStudy.属于“怎么样”和“为什么”的问题Casestudies...