In recent years several external tools have matured sufficiently to analyse diverse sets of trajectory data from several simulation packages. Below is a short list of tools that are known to be able to analyse |Gromacs| trajectory data. * `MDTraj <>`__ *...
Data sharing is not applicable to this review article as no new data were created or analysed in this study. References Abbink AA (1999) Make it and break it: the cycles of pottery. A study of the technology, form, function and use of pottery from the settlements at Uitgeest-Groot Dorre...
Contact plates can be made with selective or non-selective agar, with or without a neutralizing agent, all of which lead to differences in recovery of the target organism. The main advantage of contact plates is the production of semiquantitative data in the form of colony counts, which can ...
There evolved a discipline to analyse this binary: socio-biology, based on the idea that observable behaviour is shaped by the evolutionary process, favouring behaviours that enhance the greatest transmission of animal’s genes to future generations, often peppered with evidence drawn from other ...
MASS SAPMMSDL Mass Change MASSD MASSD_DIALOG Mass Maintenance MBBM RM07MMBL Batch Input: Post Material Document MBBR RM07RRES Batch Input: Create Reservation MBBS RM07MBWS Display valuated special stock MBC1 SAPMV13H Create MM Batch Search Strategy MBC2 SAPMV13H Change MM Batch Determ. Str...
We use a log-log regression model to analyse the relative sensitivity of mobility to GDP. For the other indicators, which are range-limited, we use a saturation function (Steinberger et al., 2012; Steinberger and Roberts, 2010). Results of the regression analyses are shown in Fig. 2 (...
Analyse Kritik 34(1):81–94 Callan E (2004) Creating citizens: political education and liberal democracy. Oxford University Press, Oxford Chiang T (2015) Liking what you see: a documentary. In: Stories of your life and others, Picador pp 281–327 Clark KB (1971) The pathos of power: a...
and it would then be leaked prepended/appended around the original packet. Key would then be stripped on NH before receives the packet. Somehow you need to analyse the packet content while it’s being transmitted. One of the most useful ways would be analysing byte count. Length of ...
Roder presented the development of VeriStrat, a mass spec based test, to select beneficiaries of EGFR-TKIs from pre-treatment serum or plasma samples. Competing tests are based on genomic analysis. These include EGFR copy number, determined by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH), and mutation...
and impressive space stations, but that’s not all: its past is also full of those things. It’s challenging enough to give a setting history that can pass muster; it’s another thing entirely to make the audience interested in that history. Mass Effect manages to do both. How, you ...