When the soil under your lawn is healthy, it contains tiny spaces between the soil particles that allow air and water to reach the deepest part of the plants roots – which in turn leads to a soft and healthy lawn. Compacted soil occurs when the soil is packed down so tightly that these...
Use a tamper or a 6-foot, 4-by-4-inch board on end to compact the soil and prevent future settling. Repeat filling and tamping until the final layer is approximately 4 inches below the surface of the surrounding lawn.Put the Sod Back in Place Now is the time to put the sod pieces ...
amend the soil with peat moss at planting time to improve soil quality. Place the bulbs in the holes with the pointed end facing up, then cover them with soil. Water deeply after planting to help the soil settle around the roots and eliminate air pockets. Add a layer of mulch to retain...
It’s crucial that the sprinkler heads in each zone are checked to ensure that the entire lawn is getting covered. During each “watering session,” be sure to water for a long enough time to allow it to seep deep into the soil to be available to the root zone. For most irrigation sy...
Some homeowners sprinkle cornmeal on the soil surface to encourage earthworm populations. Dethatch the lawn to prevent a build-up on the top layer of soil. Earthworms need access to the soil surface, and condensed thatch prevents that. Do not use pesticides that can harm earthworm populations....
If the soil pH is lower than 6, the soil is acidic. Amend it with something like lime to raise the pH. If the pH is too alkaline at 7.5 pH or higher, add gypsum or a product recommended by a local garden center since soil composition varies from one region to another. To eliminate...
Tools and materials for overseeding your lawn Step 1: Test your soil and amend if needed Step 2: Dethatch and aerate if needed Step 3: Mow low and rake your lawn Step 4: Add a thin layer of topsoil Step 5: Spread seeds evenly Step 6: Ensure good seed-to-soil contact Step 7: App...
Aeration: Why, How & When to Aerate Your Lawn In order to achieve and maintain a beautiful lawn, you should employ basic lawn care practices such as properly mowing,fertilizingandwatering. It is also important to ensure that nutrients can reach the soil beneath your grass...
Proper fertilization to provide your lawn with the right amount of nutrients it needs. Remove excessive thatch. Aerate compacted soil. Avoid scalping the lawn. When changes to your lawn routine don’t produce results, theClemson Cooperative Extensionrecommends applying a fungicide containingpropiconazole...
Moss lawns requireacidic soilwith a pH of between 5.0 and 5.5. If you can, get a soil test to ensure the area where you want to grow your moss lawn meets these conditions. Alkaline soil will need a soil amendment like sulfur to help reduce the pH and allow the moss to grow correctly...