To rename the MySQL table, the “ALTER TABLE <existing-name> RENAME <new-name>;” and the “RENAME TABLE <existing-name> TO <new-name>;” statements are used.
ALTERTableTableNameADDPRIMARYKEY(ColumName);ALTERTableTableNameADDUNIQUEIndex_Name(ColumName);ALTERTableTableNameADDINDEXIndex_Name(ColumName);ALTERTableTableNameADDFULLTEXT Index_Name(ColumName); For example, ALTERTABLEBooksADDINDEXbook_lang(Language); How to Delete Index in MySQL? Again, to delete ...
ALTERTABLE[old_name_of_table]RENAME[new_name_of_talble]; In our example, it will be used as: ALTERTABLETSEP_Employees_dataRENAMELinuxHint_Employees_data; For the display of the newly named table: DESCRIBELinuxHint_Employees_data; Now we will exit the MySQL environment: exit Conclusion In t...
The simplest way to rename a column is to use theALTER TABLEcommand with theRENAME COLUMNclause. This clause has been available since MySQL version 8.0. Note:To rename a column in MySQL 5.7.x with ALTER TABLE, run the following command:ALTER TABLE [table_name] CHANGE [old_column_name] [...
2. Log into the MySQL shell: mysql -u [username] -p[password] 3. Use theRENAME TABLEcommand to change the table name: RENAME TABLE [old-database].[table-name] TO [new-database].[table-name]; Replace[table-name]with the name of a table in the existing[old-database]database. Repe...
create procedure test(in param varchar(10)) begin select * from mysql.user where user like concat(param,"%") ;end the next I want to alter this procedure I do it like this: alter procedure test(in param varchar(10)) begin (new sql);end ...
MySQL ALTER Table command is used to modify a table by adding a new column, removing an existing column or changing the data type of columns.
GRANT CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, REFERENCES, RELOAD on *.* TO'sammy'@'localhost'WITH GRANT OPTION; Copy Note that this statement also includesWITH GRANT OPTION. This will allow your MySQL user to grant any permissions that it has to other users on the system. ...
Add Columns in MySQL Database Now, we need to add a column named ‘last_name‘ after the column ‘first_name‘: ALTER TABLE minttec ADD last_name VARCHAR(20) AFTER first_name; Verify the change in your table: show columns from minttec; ...
Note:To use the CREATE USER command, the user should have CREATE_USER privilege or insert grant forMySQLsystem schema. In the simplest form, the syntax for CREATE USER command is as below: CREATE USER [IF NOT EXISTS] '{username}'@'{hostname}' IDENTIFIED BY '{passwordString}'; ...