Those who are suffering from diarrhea will greatly benefit from rice water as one of the sought-after home remedies for stomach flu. Rice water is a bland food that acts as a demulcent, helping to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. In addition, it helps to firm up those stools. What...
Consult a doctor if you have GERD because they will determine the right kind of treatment for your case. Your doctor will likely prescribe medicine to alleviate the heartburn and acid reflux. Taking over-the-counter medication may or may not help, so it’s better to consult your doctor for...
Then in 2012, my wife and I had plans to flight back out west for a job interview that I had. The night before we left, I had a little too much alcohol and was slightly hung over for the flight (oops!). I also started the day with, what was my favorite drink at the time, a...
If your shortness of breath comes on suddenly, then it is considered to be acute. These conditions require immediate medical attention. Your doctor will prescribe a treatment to address the cause, which in some cases will alleviate your shortness of breath. With conditions like asthma, however,...