How to connect Meta Quest 3 to your PC wirelessly Method 1: via Airlink Airlink is in the experimental stage, and many users on Reddit have reported it being frustratingly buggy. For the more reliable method, try with Virtual Desktop which we’ve explained further down. Still though, Airlin...
完了しましたら、MetaQuest 2の画面がPCに表示されます。 無線でMetaQuest 2をPCに接続 💡 Air Link Air Linkは昨年QuestとQuest 2に搭載された機能で、Wi-Fiネットワーク経由でのPCにMetaQuest 2を接続し、PC VRゲームをワイヤレスでプレイすることができます。 ただし、Air Linkはすべてのネ...
Meta Quest Pro or HTC VIVE Focus 3. For an Android based option, the Meta Quest 3 device is a very good option, as it works in three modes: wired to a PC with a USB-C connector cable, or wireless over airlink, or as an Android based standalone device. Development for the Android...
The setup for the virtual partner, referred to as the gameplayer from this point on, took place in a separate room to simulate a remote interaction. A VR wireloop game (top left image in Figure 1) purchased from the Steam storefront was run on a Meta Quest2 using AirLink. By using ...
某些头显(例如 Quest 2 或 Quest 3)可以无线投射到电视。 您可以在使用内置 Google Chromecast 的电视或 Chromecast 流媒体设备时将 Meta Quest VR 头显投射到电视上。 最简单的方法是使用头显中的控制器。 单击右侧控制器上的 Oculus 按钮,然后转到菜单。 单击“相机”并选择“投射”,然后选择要投射到的设备。
If you have an Oculus/Meta headset, you can launch with Airlink or Link. Copy or create an OpenVR bat file. You can find one already in the VaM folder called VaM (OpenVR).bat. 1. Copy and paste VaM(OpenVR).bat. You can rename it to whatever you like, I call mine VaM(Oculus)...