If you want the most affordable solution to aerate your aquarium during a power outage, this is it. You can pick one up for as little as $10. Typically, these won’t come with batteries included, so make sure you stock up. Battery-powered air pumps take two D-cell batteries. Runtime...
Unfortunately, small aquarium pumps usually aren’t powerful enough to aerate water at a safe rate of 18-22% oxygen or 6-8 ppm oxygen for the entire ACT brewing time. They are about like giving a scuba diver half the airflow they need while they are in deep water – as in not safe!
Carbon dioxide brings pH levels down, so an additional way to raise the pH is to aerate water vigorously with an airstone. For Rift Lake cichlids a combination of a calcareous substrate like crushed coral, cichlid buffer, a pH buffer and strong aeration should maintain an alkaline pH. Five...
Fish die after a water change due to sudden water shock. All aquarium fish can adjust to gradual shifts in their surroundings, but any sudden shifts from their previous environment will shock the fish, alter its internal process and stress it severely, leading to death. The fish might die im...
In ponds, parasites aren’t a serious threat to goldfish because most of them never find a host (thanks to all the water). A fish can live fine with one or two. But in a CLOSED aquarium, it’s a whole ‘nother story. Now the fish has nowhere to escape as massive amounts of ...
A second 50 gallon filter/bog system was added with a waterfall going into the first biofilter pond, and secondary waterfall helping aerate the far side of the pond. 43/43 – The duck village and Tyrant Falls (background) in the summer with our cob oven in the foreground. Yes, we ...
Brine shrimp are an excellent source of protein for aquarium fish and they are very easy to raise at home.
water. It then moves into the next chamber where aProtein skimmerhelps aerate your aquarium water and also pulls out dissolved and undissolved waste. This chamber is often one of the largest in your sump and is a great place to house aheaterthat will automatically maintain stable water ...
Optional: I added an under gravel filter to aerate the water, but this is not necessary if your tank is as small as mine. I added because it does help and I already had it. I picked this up for less than a dollar at a yard-sale because the fish tank it was in was cracked. I...
One water pump – the size depends on how much flow it would need. An aquarium pump is enough to keep the flow going. One air pump (optional). The system can aerate itself but it can produce more if it has an air pump. Tools: ...