Using a lawn mower to mulch leaves If you don’t have a shredder, you can use your lawn mower to shred the leaves. To mulch leaves with a lawn mower, rake the leaves into layers a couple of inches tall. Run the lawn mower over them several times. This will turn them into progressiv...
creating a “dust mulch,” which inhibits the germination of new weeds. You can let the weeds dry in the sun during the day and then take them to the compost
Weeds—they’re everywhere. If you want a weed-free lawn, you need to know which weeds are living in your yard and then, use the right herbicides to get rid of them. But your job isn’t done yet. Instead, you need to incorporate some healthy lawn habits to ensure that these weeds ...
Ants are also very valuable for the garden. They collect a lot of dead insects and they aerate the soil. To better understand the value of ants in the garden seeSecrets of a Super Organism. For the most part, ants are not a big problem but for some reason gardeners want to get rid ...
The more generous you are with your allotment of space, the more features you can introduce into your natural swimming pool and surrounding water garden. You might install one or more fountains to help aerate the water, and if you use inexpensivesolar fountain pumps,they will come on automatica...
In the area where you want to grow the grass, use a shovel or tiller to turn over and loosen the soil to a depth of three inches (7.6 cm). Remove any rocks, roots, sticks, or other debris that you come across. The purpose of tilling or digging is to loosen the soil, aerate th...