甲公司 5月取得三级钢结构工程专业承包企业资质, 8月取得二级资 质。 6月获得了一项 ㎡的钢网架制作安装业务, 9月竣工验收合格。由于三级钢结构承包企业只能承揽1200㎡及以下的钢网架制 作安装工程,故业主认为甲公司超越资质等级承揽工程,承包合同无效,拒付工程款。对此,法院将支持下列观点( )
This is primarily because all drugs used for euthanasia are not freely sold to any non-veterinary personnel since it is a powerful and potentially dangerous drug to administer. You would need proper veterinary training to be able to be qualified to administer this drug without needing a licensed...