Test the water before you get in and adjust the levels as needed. If you need to add a lot of chemicals to the water to adjust the pH and alkalinity levels, doing a partial water change is a good idea. Drain some of the hot tub water and add fresh water....
Healthy green vs needs more nutrients – Look at the color of leaves to determine whether you need to adjust nutrient dosage.Too much nutrients – leaves appear dark green and ends may curve downwards.Too much nutrients – Leaf tips turn brown and dry, often referred to as “nutrient burn”...
When balancing your hot tub chemistry, you’ll need to adjust alkalinity before trying to balance the pH level. Alkalinity acts as a pH buffer, keeping it from drastically changing. It can be a delicate operation to get alkalinity levels just right, and if your water’s alkalinity gets too...
It’s still in the water, but its sanitizing power is greatly diminished. You want to keep your CC level at less than 0.2 ppm. Total Chlorine (TC) is the sum of FC and CC in your pool. Pool water testing kits can measure the FC and TC of your water. To find the CC of your ...
You might not be able to see them, but nitrates are hiding in every aquarium. Understanding this invisible compound is an important part of maintaining happy and healthy fish. Today, I’m going to teach you everything you would want to know about them. Before I continue, I want to make...
Tree density is directly correlated to the hardness of the wood and is one main variable in the formula. Hardwood trees will have a higher density because their wood has formed thicker cell walls and is simply denser because of it.
As for heat-sensitive fish such as goldfish, only adjust the temperature as high as they will tolerate. Any increase in temperature will help shorten the lifecycle of Ich – giving you a better opportunity to get rid of it for good.
A good start is analyzing your competition. Look for common pricing mistakes, such as undercharging or ignoring market trends. Then, adjust your prices accordingly. Keep in mind that your branding also affects how customers perceive cost and quality. For example, a luxury brand may be able to...
The addition of 15% of grape pomace powder, regardless of particle size, led to muffins rich in antioxidant compounds and total dietary fiber (>3/100 g), which could be labelled with the “source of fiber” nutritional claim according to the EC Regulation 1924/2006. As particle size ...
For abnormally shaped pools, adjust these formulas to figure the gallons (liters) in each section, or ask a pool expert for an estimate on how many gallons (liters) your pool holds. 2 Figure out how much soda ash you need. Use about six ounces (170 g) of soda ash to raise 10,000...