Easy multi-tasking You might need to have an email window open, and a spreadsheet, and a web browser, and a word processing document. It would be difficult to fit all those windows on a single computer monitor. You’d have to keep some windows open and others minimized, and you’d con...
If the “Move” option is grayed out, it’s likely because the application window is minimized or not in a state that allows movement. First, try to restore the window by clicking on its icon in the taskbar. If that doesn’t work, maximize the window if possible, and then attempt to ...
Google Ads, Facebook/Meta, and Adjust all use different attribution approaches for post-install events, which make the numbers on both sides not quite comparable: Google Ads assigns events to the source of click and has a 30-day event attribution window by default. Facebook/Meta assigns ev...
Step 2. To record the internal audio, you need to select the "System sound" option on the next window. You can adjust the volume by clicking on "System sound" > "Advanced options". Step 3. Next, click on the red "REC" button to begin your recording. While recording, you can pause...
How to free up CPU resources Now, let’s go right into the plethora of tips on how to decrease CPU usage. Close unused apps It’s easy to just move on to another task or walk away from your computer and forget about the many apps you were using. Whether they’re minimized or lurkin...
To Have Narrator Read Typed Keys Aloud To Have the Mouse Pointer Move to Active Items When Using Narrator Navigating with the Keyboard and Narrator Reading Options Keyboard Options To set Narrator Voice Options To Start Narrator Minimized Troubleshooting ...
To adjust the volume output levels, follow the procedure below. Note that not all devices support this option in the same way. Some devices will not support volume control and the Volume button will be unavailable. Other devices may use their own d...
Sending Key To Minimized Window Sending multiple cmd commands from Visual Basic Sendkeys to Specific Window SendKeys.SendWait("{Enter}") Serial Port Communications: Turning of ECHO SerialPort - 101 SerialPort and the asynchronous communication set a default value of checked for a datagridview check...
{ // don't center against invisible or minimized windows if (hWndCenter != NULL) { DWORD dwAlternateStyle = ::GetWindowLong(hWndCenter, GWL_STYLE); if (!(dwAlternateStyle & WS_VISIBLE) || (dwAlternateStyle & WS_MINIMIZE)) hWndCenter = NULL; } MONITORINFO mi; mi.cbSize = sizeof(...
Option-clicking one minimized window on the Dock un-minimizes all a program’s windows—at least for Cocoa programs (iCloud Drive on Other Devices). Tip OS X can change menu commands as you press modifier keys. For example, open a couple of Finder windows and then click the Window menu....