Acustom fan curveis a fan control method to set automatic fan control. In this method, you must set the fan speed or RPMs against the GPU temp through a graph. You can set the fan power for various temperatures. Now, let’s see how to adjust graphics card fans using AMD and Nvidia’...
When your existing fan curve is insufficient to prevent overheating, or simply tooloudat max throttle, is when youmostwant to use a guide like this one. All that said…let’s begin! How To Adjust Your GPU’s Fan Speeds (Main Method) Step 1: Install MSI Afterburner First, you’ll want...
find and click the“Fan”tab. Check the“Enable user-defined software automatic fan control”option, and you will be able to modify the fan curve to adjust the fan speed.
Hopefully this post helps you reinstall your graphics driver and get the GPU working properly. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to leave a message down below.
Open the case – Your first step is to open the case and see if it needs cleaning.This will usually be the case. Remove the GPU– This step isn’t absolutely necessary, but you will make the most of the cleaning process if you remove your GPU. ...
Once the new card is firmly in its designated PCIe slot, insert thepower cable. The connector will only connect in one way, so if you’re facing difficulty, you might want to try it the other way. Once the cable is in place, make sure it isn’t blocking the GPU’s fan(s). ...
Set your fan curves Once you've dialed in your power and thermal targets, you can also manually adjust your CPU and GPU’s fan speeds in their respective tabs. The graph is pretty straightforward: at the specified temperature on the X axis, the system will ramp the fans to the ...
Set your fan curves Once you've dialed in your power and thermal targets, you can also manually adjust your CPU and GPU’s fan speeds in their respective tabs. The graph is pretty straightforward: at the specified temperature on the X axis, the system will ramp the fans to the...
A lot of players reported on Reddit that they noticed a jump in the overall FPS by editing the boot.config file, which is to make sure your game utilizes your GPU/ CPU cores and threads more efficiently. Here’s how to do this: ...
Intel’s XTU program provides more than enough settings tosufficiently overclockor undervolt your CPU. Even adjust the GPU. However, if, for some reason, you want to do an undervolt through the BIOS, you can do that as well. So you’ll have more control there, but it’s also a bit...